
Showing posts from July, 2020

HLO FRB HDA BOSIET HLA HUET Helicopter Underwater Escape Training

Ocean Offshore Marine India This course is essential for personnel who are new to the offshore oil and gas industry that require this safety and emergency response training and assessment to work in an offshore cold or warm water environment. #BOSIET course is a minimum requirement to work offshore. The course consists of four modules; Safety Induction, Helicopter Safety and Escape (HUET), Sea Survival and First Aid, Fire Fighting and Self Rescue. The BOSIET is required for cold water areas and includes additional training in the use of survival suits and emergency breathing systems during the #HUET module. Introduction1. 1 #Basic Safety Induction, #Helicopter Safety and Escape (HUET), #Sea Survival and First Aid, #Fire Fighting and Self Rescue. #Emergency Breathing System (EBS) , In-water Procedures Ocean Offshore Marine India uses the latest equipments. We are the best institute to offer the #offshore courses in India. We offer all types of courses related to the offshore...

HLO FRC FRB HDA BSOIET PSCRB HUET Helicopter Underwater Escape Training

Ocean Offshore Marine India This course is essential for personnel who are new to the offshore oil and gas industry that require this safety and emergency response training and assessment to work in an offshore cold or warm water environment. #BOSIET course is a minimum requirement to work offshore. The course consists of four modules; Safety Induction, Helicopter Safety and Escape (HUET), Sea Survival and First Aid, Fire Fighting and Self Rescue. The BOSIET is required for cold water areas and includes additional training in the use of survival suits and emergency breathing systems during the #HUET module. Introduction1. 1 #Basic Safety Induction, #Helicopter Safety and Escape (HUET), #Sea Survival and First Aid, #Fire Fighting and Self Rescue. #Emergency Breathing System (EBS) , In-water Procedures Ocean Offshore Marine India uses the latest equipments. We are the best institute to offer the #offshore courses in India. We offer all types of courses related to the offsho...

FRC FRB HLO HDA H2S Hydrogen Sulphide Gas Safety Course Kolkata

Ocean Offshore Marine India Hydrogen Sulphide is the chemical compound with the formula H2S. It is a colorless gas with the characteristic foul odor of rotten eggs. ... This course covers the characteristics of hydrogen sulphide gas, potential physiological effects of exposure as well as the use of H2S equipment and escape breathing apparatus. The Ocean Offshore Marine India uses the latest equipments. We offer all types of courses related to the offshore Industry. Courses 1. OIM (Offshore Installation Manager) 2. BS (Barge Supervisor / Barge Master) 4. MS (Maintenance Supervisor / Chief Mechanic) 5. OPIT OIMIST (International Minimum Industrial Safety Training) 7. HLO (Helicopter Landing Officer) 8. HDA ( Helideck Assistant) 9. BOSIET (Basic Offshore Safety Induction & Emergency Training) 10. HUET (Helicopter Underwater Escape Training) 11. H2S (Hydrogen Sulphide Gas Safety Course) 12. FRC (Fast Rescue Craft) And Ship Manning, Offshore Recruitment, Offshore Training...